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I dare you to find any compilation as comprehensive anywhere on Spotify or Apple Music because you won’t. No stone was left unturned in this series and pouring through decades of modernized classics (some outstanding while others not so much) was a daunting task that occupied the majority of the work involved in creating these sets. I even took the opportunity to throw in a couple of recent tech-house tracks that sample the gay anthems ‘The Underground’ by Celeda and ‘Work’ by Masters At Work’ breathing new life into these near 20 yeard old floor-scorchers. Once again, in an effort to contemporize this batch - I went back the past 10 years and mixed in some newer gay anthems that when mixed in with older classics that have been re-worked for today’s dancefloors make the effort feel fresh and contemporary.

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We have finally reached the end of the 2022 Gay Anthems For A New Generation series and this last set doesn’t hold back.

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